Violette1st Wikia


Andy is William's older cousin, and a minor antagonist in William's freak outs in the violette1st video series. Like Bill, they get mad at William often. He is seen having anger issues with William most of the time. He destroyed William's AC and recently got his tablet and phone drilled, including his Raven shirt cut to pieces by William. Another time, he teamed up with Bill to tie him up in a chair and destroy his new Xbox One S right in front of him, as well as throwing his Xbox controller into the woods, angering William, as seen in "GREATEST XBOX ONE S DESTRUCTION EVER!!!". One of the worst things that William has done so far to Andy was hosing down the candles and ripping apart his birthday cake on his birthday, as seen in "WILLIAM'S ULTIMATE BIRTHDAY FREAK-OUT AND REVENGE!!!".


Andy has an overall strained relationship with him and always gets mad at William for destroying his stuff (or things). Violette seems to be the only protagonist in the series.
